NAPFA 2023 Award Recipients

2023 NAPFA Inspiring Leader Award

Jessica Hovis Smith, CFP®, CPWA®, CLU®, CAP®,

Jessica is Longview Financial Advisors, Inc.的总统. Her primary role is to set the vision and support the team; however, she also still enjoys practicing her first love of financial planning.

Since entering the profession in 2005, 她一直与全国个人理财顾问协会(NAPFA)合作。. This has included serving as a past south region board member, participating in podcasts and discussion circles, sitting on several committees, including a committee to choose the organization’s past CEO, and chairing the 2019 national conference.

In 2018, 杰西卡因其对财务规划行业的领导和贡献而被《bet5365首页手机版下载》评为“40位40岁以下”的获奖者. In 2019, she received the Jack Davis Professional Achievement award from her alma mater, the University of Alabama. 该奖项颁发给人类环境科学学院的杰出校友,以表彰他们在专业上的成就.

办公室之外, Jessica loves spending time with her family and friends, 阅读, volunteering and enjoying the outdoors. Her favorite pastime is watching her children play soccer.


2023 NAPFA New Professional Award

丹尼尔米. Yerger, MBA, CFP®, ChFC®, AIF®, CDFA®

Daniel is the owner of MY Wealth Planners®, a financial planning firm in Longmont, CO. Daniel是NAPFA西部地区委员会的成员,同时也是新一代规划师在平安险执行委员会的代表.

丹尼尔也是博士.D. Candidate at Kansas State University, 他在哪里研究了过去几年理财规划师的薪酬和收费模式, 还有创作。”Getting in the Door: Starting a 财务规划 Career.” Daniel lives in Longmont with his fiancé, Kaitlyn.


2023 NAPFA Special Achievement Award


杰弗里·杰夫·布朗, CAE, is president and CEO of the Illinois CPA Society (ICPAS), one of the largest state CPA societies in the nation. 布朗还担任公共利益注册会计师的总裁兼首席执行官和伊利诺伊州注册会计师捐赠基金的当然董事会成员.

A seasoned certified association executive (CAE), Brown has more than 20 years of experience as an association professional. Before joining ICPAS in 2022, he served as CEO of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA), the nation’s leading professional association of fee-only financial advisors, 整整九年. 在NAPFA之前, Brown was an account executive with Sentergroup, an association manager at SmithBucklin Corporation, and held multiple positions with North-American Interfraternity Conference.

Brown served as the board chair for Association Forum and is an active member. 他也是美国协会执行官协会的活跃成员,是芝加哥艾滋病基金会和兄弟会领导协会的董事会成员 & 值. 布朗在马里兰大学获得政府和政治文学学士学位.


2023 NAPFA Excellence in DEI Award


Mike Walther持有Vanderbilt University的经济学学士学位和会计学工商管理硕士学位. He holds the CPA/PFS designation, is a Certified Financial Planner and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Mike founded Oak Wealth Advisors in 2008. 他对帮助他人的热情促使他开设了这家公司,这样那些有残疾亲人的家庭就可以获得信托财务建议,并与那些将客户利益置于自身利益之上的顾问一起为他们的未来制定计划. 他的使命是通过Oak Wealth Advisors创建内容,帮助尽可能多的家庭, 教学类, 演讲, 为客户服务. 迈克在多所大学和全国各地的组织中分享了他的知识和经验. His firm has served clients on five continents.

橡树财富顾问致力于将那些有特殊需求的人的优势和激情融入到公司的各个方面. All employees have a family member with special needs. All the art in their headquarters office was created by individuals with disabilities. 公司发给朋友和客户的生日贺卡和节日贺卡都是由残疾人设计的. 他们的客户每年收到的“感谢”礼物是由残疾人或雇佣残疾人的公司制作的.

Mike’s brother, who is on the Autism spectrum, motivates him every day.


2023 NAPFA Excellence in DEI Award

CI Budros Ruhlin Roe (CI BRR)

CI BRR通过多项举措优先强调多样性和包容性, 知道这将极大地影响吸引和留住优秀的合伙人和客户. 课程包括D&我委员会, guiding associate programs and communications for greater inclusivity, and a Women’s Initiative group, fostering education and relationship-building among female associates. 在过去的七年里,该公司为符合条件的金融专业大学生提供了女性财富管理奖学金加实习奖,在过去的三年里,为符合条件的金融专业大学生提供了财富管理多样性奖学金加实习奖. 我们的创始人之一, 佩吉Ruhlin, 也刚刚出版了一本名为《bet5365首页手机版下载》的书,鼓励女性考虑以理财规划为职业.

自1979年以来, 我们一直热衷于帮助忙碌的人们解决不同人生阶段的复杂财务问题. In 2021, Columbus, OH-based Budros, Ruhlin & 罗律师事务所成为CI Private Wealth (CIPW)的合伙人,并更名为CI Budros Ruhlin Roe (CI BRR)。. CIPW利用国内一些顶级财富管理公司的集体专业知识,创造了一种截然不同的财富管理体验. 客户将受益于我们不断扩展的服务,并与业内一些最受尊敬的律所加强合作. 客户还可以更多地获得信托服务领域的下一级财务指导, 税务服务, 财富转移, Bill Pay and Alternative Investments.


2023 NAPFA基金会 Pro Bono Service Award


Neela Hummel began her career in finance as an intern at Abacus财富合伙公司 in 2009, later earning her CFP® and working up the ranks to financial advisor, 合作伙伴, and Chief Advisory Officer before being named Co-CEO of Abacus in 2021, alongside Mary Beth Storjohann.

During her time at Abacus, Neela has served two terms on its Board of Directors, developed its industry-leading parental leave policy (six months paid time off), and launched the company’s women’s initiative, 算盘姐妹会. 她帮助Abacus成长为一家价值观一致的公司,通过灵活的政策支持性别平等, 创造职业道路, and compensation transparency. 因此,Abacus超过50%的顾问是女性,而行业标准是20%.

Neela’s work has centered around empowering and uplifting women in finance. 在她的职业生涯中, Neela has been a devoted mentor for women career changers and next generation talent. She has also led workshops and lectures, 教的课程, 她曾在“女性投资大会”和平安险的“下一代聚会”等会议上发表主题演讲. 同时,她致力于在金融行业工作,指导领导者和利益相关者建立一个更具包容性和性别平等的行业.

Over the course of her career, Neela has been recognized on LA Business Journal's Women of Influence list, by 投资的新闻' “40 under 40” for financial advisors, has appeared on ABC 7 News and Your Money (Sirius FM). 她曾在包括Work Your Wealth, the People's Tax Page和RIA Edge在内的播客中担任嘉宾. Neela has been a frequent contributor to the Abacus blog, and has appeared in articles in 《bet5365首页手机版下载》, 投资的新闻, CNBC, 平安险, 财务规划, Financial 顾问杂志, 美国新闻, 男性健康, 和洛杉矶时报.

Mary Beth Storjohann is Co-CEO of Abacus财富合伙公司. She is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, 作者, 演讲者和播客主持人,在金融服务行业有18年的经验. 在成功创办并发展自己的RIA公司后,她于2019年加入Abacus,担任首席营销官. In 2022 she was appointed as Co-CEO alongside Neela Hummel.

A believer that “actions speak louder than words,斯托约翰以在金融服务行业引发对话和变革而闻名,他倾向于不舒服的对话和决定,以帮助创造一个更公平的行业. She is a fierce advocate for women, diversity, equity & 包容, aligning your money with your values, and making financial advice accessible to underserved populations.

Mary Beth以金融专家的身份频繁出现在美国全国广播公司(NBC)的节目中,并在《365bet线上盘口app官网》(The Wall Street Journal)等主要媒体上做过专题报道, 魅力, 美国国家公共电台, 《bet5365首页手机版下载》, 妇女的健康, 世界性的, CNBC, 《bet5365首页手机版下载》, 和更多的.

Her accolades include “Mo100 Top Impact CEOs” by Big Path Capital, “Top 40 Under 40” by 投资的新闻, “10 Young Advisors to Watch” by Financial 顾问杂志, 她还被Investopedia评为十大最具影响力的顾问之一,该榜单旨在表彰在有关金融知识的关键对话中做出重大贡献的金融顾问, 投资策略, 人生阶段规划, 财富管理.
